Q1 : I got 50 clicks and only 0.20$??? Why???

This is very common question, especially when we talk about AdSense beginners. It appears that those clicks were treated as invalid clicks by Google. Google’s AdWords publisher will NOT be charged for invalid click amount, and Google will NOT pay you for invalid click.

What is invalid click?

No one knows how Google detects invalid clicks. But, rumors say that, for example, multiple clicks that came from same IP address, e.g. 20 clicks from same IP - those are treated as invalid, because everything point to that publisher has asked, or has even clicked, on the ads for 20 times.

If you see that you had clicks that should earn more than you see on your stats, you should do two things: 1) E-mail Google and tell them that you’ve aware of invalid clicks, and that you are taking actions to prevent those and 2) Install application on your server that logs clicks and the IP addresses that those clicks came from.

That great application can be found HERE

Notice: AdLogger reports are not very accurate. That’s why this great application development has been put to a halt. The reports are based on JavaScript which detects for how long has visitor been hovering over you ad. Using advanced algorithm, it measures time of hovering over ad, as well as some other things (not important right now). So, it is not very accurate, but is certainly the best way to monitor your clicks. Also, it has option of blocking certain IP range, if you detect that many clicks came from one IP address. However, on the link above, there’s great alternative!

Q2 : Why I am earning only 0.05$ (or even less!) per click?

Also for beginners. This is about Google’s Smart Pricing Position

What is smart pricing? Well, to make it simple for you, it is about that the same ad costs different amount when displayed on different sites. Analogue, the publisher of one site will be paid less than the publisher of other site. Your Smart Pricing Position (SPP) is determined by many factors - for example, Page Rank plays important role.

Filtering LCPC (Low Cost-per-Click) Ads. I found out that, when I’ve filtered LCPC ads, my earnings boosted notely. As you may know, not all the advertisers are paying the same price for one click (this was not until Google Smart Pricing was introduced). There are some “scam” advertisers who are willing to pay only 0.10$ per click, and there are some who are paying more than 5$ per click. As you can’t be familiar with how much each advertiser pays, the excellent resource for finding LCPC and MFA (Made for AdSense) sites definitely is http://www.adsblacklist.com .

How do I “black-list” an ad? Go to your account and click on “AdSense setup tab”. Below, you should now be able to see “Competetive Ad Filter” button. Follow the instructions written on the screen (basically, it’s just about typing a domain).

Black listing an ad is very useful. I, personally, have boosted my earnings for about 40% by black listing some ads. Beware that if you black-list too many ads, you might get Public Service Ads, as Google will not be able to find you more relevant ads on your site. I suggest you dedicate an hour for blacklisting your ads, by using AdSense preview tool, and viewing the URLs of the sites. Tip: always black list the sites that have “clickbank.net” in the URL. In fact, I suggest you blacklist clickbank.net domain name. Then, by viewing the advertising sites, use your pure judgment - if you, when seeing a website, notice that it e.g. only has one page with “PayPal” link at the bottom or similar, that is probably low paying advertiser. Blacklist it, my suggestion.

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